Bibliografi #JomTulisTesis
Bibliografi ni penting, memang semua penting. Semua bab dalam tesis penting.
Semua penulisan penting. Bibliografi pun penting. Jadi bila kita nak buat
bibliografi, kita kena konsisten, kita sama ada buat gaya APA atau MLA. Tetapi
biasanya pelajar dia suka yang APA ni katanya mudah, tapi bila kita tengok buat
salah juga. Jadi, bibliografi ini, kalau kita tengok biasalah. Kalau tengok
dalam buku ni saya ada letak contoh bagaimana nak tulis rujukan dalam bentuk
APA. Sebab kalau saya letak dua-dua, biasanyalah kalau tesis memang APA. Jadi
kena pastikan bahawa kalau jurnal. Nama jurnal italic. Jadi kalau kita lihat
contoh-contoh yang terdapat dalam ini, kejap ya, okey. Kita adalah semua
sekali. Macam mana kita nak, dekat bibliografi dan rujukan. Contoh nama melayu
kita nak rujuk macam mana. Contohnya kalau contoh bibliografi dan rujukan nama
Siti Nur Aliaa Roslan. Kemain la panjangnya, contohnya nama melayu kena letak
nama melayu semua panjang-panjang lebar tu. Yelah maklumlah, zaman sekarangkan
nama Melayu ada tiga perkataan. Ada sampai empat perkataan. Ada yang sampai
lima penat cikgu nak tulis kat dalam masa sekolah nanti. Sebab itulah nama
contohnya, nama Alim Al Mustakim Billah akhirnya mak dia, pergi buat cop jadi
buku tu semua dia cop je. Tak larat nak tulis dengan tangan. Jadi nama Melayu
letak nama penuh. Dan dalam biblio pun penuh dalam rujukan pun penuh. Dalam
tesis ni dalam bibliografi begitu. Jadi semuanya nama begini. Kalau nama Cin Li
Li contohnya letak Cin ataupun bukan bibliografi letak Cin.L.L dalam
bibliografi. Nama Arumugammutusami bagaimana. Nama Jepun bagaimana, dan
seterusnya. Ada contoh -contoh jadi kalau misalnya kita lihat dalam buku ini.
Kalau rujukan dalam tesis kita letak kalau ni Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019) dalam
kurungan. Kemudian ada, jadi kalau ada kurungan semua letak kurungan semua
tiada koma. Jadi ini titik dua kalau ada halaman dan seterusnya. Kita ada
banyak contoh-contoh kita ya. Jadi dia, bibliografi hendaklan mengandungi maklumat
seperti berikut. Jadi ini ada semua maklumat-maklumat dia. Jadi penulisan
rujukan dalam tesis bagaimana. Ini semua arahan. Jadi ada cara-cara penulisan
semua ada dalam ini supaya tidak keliru. Apa yang saya nak jelaskan disini
pastikan apa penulisan dia mesti betul dalam bibliografi. Dan juga yang
penting, ini dalam tesis ini bibliografi. Apa yang awak rujuk dalam tesis perlu
ada dalam bibliografi. Kemudian semak. Saya suka semak secara manual. Maknanya,
saya print bibliografi letak tepi, laptop letak kat sini, tengok muka surat
satu satu satu letak. Kalau yang dah tag kita letak warna merah dekat laptop,
bibliografi kita tanda right. Lepastu ini right. Sebab kalau buat manual memang
betul. Kita bukan tak nak percaya sangat dekat mesin ni, bukan tak percaya ya.
Memang tak percaya. Mesin nama pun mesin. Jadi dalam tesis ada rujukan tu dalam
bibliografi ada rujukan tu. Ni sebelum nak hantar tesis ni. Kemudian kita semak
dalam biblio ada tick nama tu kenalah dalam tesis pun ada. Bermakna, kita kena
cross referency. Bermakna kedua duanya pasti ada. Yang tidak ada, buang.
Janganlah becita-cita nak bibliografi sampai 10-15 halaman sedangkan tidak ada
pun dalam tesis. Memang kita permiksa kita semak satu-satu. Sebab itu tugas
pemeriksa. Itulah kerja saya. Saya baca dalam tesis saya buka saya tengok
belakang saya right. Saya baca contohnya, dalam ini namanya Muhammad Mustakim
Roslan 2019 tiba tiba dekat belakang Muhammad Mustakim Roslan 2018 pulak. Sudah
lain pulak tu macam seolah ada dua artikel berbeza. Jadi salah, macam contohnya
biblografi ada Amal Mustakim Roslam 2019 tengok dekat dalam Amal Mustakim
Roslan 2015 memang tak kenalah. Dua-dua salah. Jadi pastikan semak satu-satu.
Okey untuk tesis. Memang lah untuk tesis dan juga untuk artikel pun macam tu
ye. Kita perlu ada 70% rujukan terkini. Terkini maknanya macam saya katakan
mestilah rujukan yang 5 tahun kebelakang. Jadi yang itulah yang awak pastikan
kalau awak hantar tesis pada 2023. Maknanya, 5 tahun kebelakang 2019. 5 tahun
kebelakang. Okay 70% makna apa yang awak buat ialah jumlah kesemua dulu. Semua
dalam bibliografi kemudian jumlah contohnya, jumlah ada 100 semua sekali dalam
tesis dia. Kemudian saya kira yang 5 tahun kebelakang. 5 tahun kebelakang saya
kira ada 70. 70 ya. Jadi awak tekan awak punya kalkulator dekat phone awak yang
mahal daripada saya tu. Jadi awak tekan kalkulator jadi awak tekanlah peratus
apa kali 100 maknanya awak ada 70 % rujukan terkini. Maknanya, tesis ini boleh
diterima. Bermakna boleh diterima. Kalau misalannya ialah maklumat kita ni
sebenarya nak mengelat daripada pelajar plagiat. Ada tiru bulat-bulat ataupun
pelajar tu memang malas kesimpulannya. Nak baca pun tak nak, nak rujuk yang
terkini lagi tak nak. Lepastu bila kita tanya kenapa tidak ada rujukan terkini.
“Oh tidak ada kajian Prof. Saya cari-cari tak jumpa.” Yang dicari tu ada 3
sahaja artikel yang dicari. Yang lagi 546 artikel tajuk sama dia tak cari. Jadi
dia kata saya dah cari tapi tak jumpa. Aduhai, jadi ayat tu kita tak mahu
terima. Jadi semua tak terima, bukan saya tak terima semua penyelia pun tak
terima. Jadi, pastikan awak cari tepat dapat 70% memang boleh terima. Boleh
duduk goyang kaki pergi jalan-jalan. Pergi IOI makan banyak-banyak, sebab boleh
kita meraikan bahawa rujukan-rujukan 70% sudah tercapai. Haa begitu, jadi
pastikan 70% janganlah sampai awak dapat “Alamak prof 20% je Prof. Saya dah
usaha 3 tahun, saya usaha nak cari rujukan yang terkini tak jumpa. Saya dapat
semua kebanyakan 1980 an.” Lepastu dapatlah 2010 kebawah. Memang saya kata
silalah buat universiti sendiri, sebab dia tak usaha lansung. Jadi pastikan 70%
daripada rujukan terkini. Tengoklah bila tarikh yang awak nak hantar. Buat
rujukan itu. Jangan ada satu lagi ya contohnya, kalau awak nak hantar tadi
2023. Okay, dia nak hantar 2023 tu pada bulan Disember. Okaylah kita ambil
Oktober. Oktober dia nak hantar 2023. Tetapi didapati bahawa yang rujukan 2023
tiada. Lansung tiada dalam tesis tersebut. Sedangkan masa yang dia nak submit
ialah Oktober. Maknanya, artikel untuk 2023 dah keluar banyak dah. Tapi bila
kita semak tak ada rujukan 2023. 2022 lagilah tak ada. Yang dia banyak yang ini
2021. Tak boleh, kita kena la ada terutama yang ini. Yang memang terkini masa
hantar tesis memang terbaiklah. Jadi ini penting. Jangan yang ini sahaja kita
fokus. Jadi pastikan ada pada tarikh awak hantar tahun itu punya rujukan mesti
ada. Okay, penting bagi ini penting, rujukan ini semua penting, cara-cara nak
rujuk semua ada dekat dalam ni. Ada pelbagai cara buat rujukan. Bibliografi dan
rujukan bagaimana kita nak tulis semua cara dia berbeza. Tapi kalau nama Melayu
dalam jurnal melayu memang tulis nama penuh ya. Normaliza Abd Rahim contoh dia.
Tetapi kadang-kadang saya hantar artikel ke jurnal antarabangsa contohnya, saya
dah tulis dalam artikel tu Normaliza Abd Rahim. Bibliografi pun Normaliza Abd
Rahim tetapi dia formatkan semua jadi nama saya jadi begini. Dia yang automatik
buat. Saya tak buat sebab saya percaya kalau yang ini ada berjuta-juta orang
nama Rahim N.A terutamanya Rahim ini memang ramailah. Jadi sebab itu lah saya ambil Normaliza Abd Rahim. Tapi
terpaksa ikut cara jurnal itu sebab jurnal antarabangsa memang dia ada format
dia sendiri. Kadang-kadang saya submit dia hantar balik katakan mohon untuk
tukar cara penulisan. Sebab kena ikut cara dia. Ni kalau barat memang nama
akhirlah. Sebab itu kena ikut semua cara barat. Terpulang kepada apa yang
terkeluar. Nanti jurnal saya jelaskan dalam video yang lain. Jadi jurnal saya
tentang penulisan bibliografi ini sangat penting. 70%. Kalau tak cukup cari
lagi. Janagan hantar tesis selagi tak cukup sebab ini menunjukkan kualiti tesis
tersebut. Kalau misalnya awak dapat 60% tu memang tak boleh la nak diterima
sebab macam taknak usaha. Sebenar boleh je cari. Banyak sahaja artikel yang
awak boleh sorot.
12. Write Articles for Publications in Journals.
Let's Write an article. Usually Master students or PhD students are usually required to write articles for publication. So we can, I can teach you briefly how we want to write a good article. That we can publish. So for students who have never been published he will feel proud. Usually articles and journals or chapters in books are usually almost the same. So we are here we have a title, the title must be interesting. So that people want to read our article. We include an abstract. Our abstract is up to the journal. Which has how many words. Sometimes 250 to 300 then there is an introduction there is a study highlight. The highlights of this study are up to the respective authors. Sometimes he does not place the focus of the study. He put a title like an animated example of folklore. The location inside is a highlight. Then there is the methodology of the results and the discussion of conclusions and references. Not a bibliography, he is a reference. So in this one, we focus on the title. The title should be interesting. Usually the title if the journal to the article to usually can not be more than 20 words. So this abstract we, if we write in languages other than English abstract writing accompanied by abstract English. To be clearer. In this abstract we will place an example, a sentence of about 5 sentences. 4 or 5 verses like the opening verse. For example, we put this preface as the background, as well as the problems faced, the problems of the study until the emergence we want to do this. This sentence is followed by an objective. Then there is the methodology. We have to put this methodology if there are samples and then, location. If there is no need to place. Then everything. Procedures must be in place. What kind of analysis. Then from the description here we put we have a decision. The results of our study are in the abstract. We put the results and our final sentence will put what you expect in the next study. Hopefully the next study will focus on what he is. The last sentence must be there. Then accompanied by keywords. Keywords usually have 5. Continue with the introduction. Usually, this introduction you can put in more or less we want to know here we put the background, the story of the characteristics of what things are related to the topic we are studying. Introduction is sometimes placed in a single paragraph. This is quite important because there are journals that he is very, very strict. This introduction is people put in the form of highlights. So that's what to reject. So it depends on the journal that is. Read back what instructions were given. This paragraph is like a background. Then enter the highlight so this is a paragraph. The highlight is like I said you can put the study highlight paper or you can put the title of it. For example, folklore animation. Can be between two. So the spotlight. This one you put in 4 paragraphs. Which has highlighted the study 5 years ago only. And it also needs to be critical. Like I taught in chapter 2 if you do not criticize him standing with himself je. It can't be like that. Meaning when the description in a paragraph there is a name. Then support with other studies. Parallel to almost the same to what support to. Put it there, also put a negative that like this study people say the study by Normaliza Abd Rahim 2019 was found to disagree with the study conducted by whistling. Why? That is the critical name for finding similarities and differences. This is already 4 paragraphs, then enter before the end of the study highlights there are objective sentences, objective sentences are not a sub-topic. Usually sentences only. In one sentence that is why this study. Hence from the spotlight, the study problem all here has a research gap. So this study identifies and discusses what. One verse je. That is after the highlights of the study. This means a new paragraph. So this is another paragraph. So that paragraph has one verse. Then continue to enter the title of the methodology.This methodology must complete everything in the methodology. You have to describe the one in the thesis. There are cells there are locations there are procedures, there is analysis there are materials. If for example there is material you have to put a synopsis of the material. Synopsis of material for example, synopsis of short stories for example. Whatever. Everything here is there. You can refer, refer back in the thesis methodology chapter chapter then just enter the title of the decision and discussion. These results and discussions are also theoretical. In the methodology of the results of this discussion, he has a sub-title that should be followed, for example, follow the theory of sub-headings follow the theory. For example, content in a conversation interaction. As example, this title is from the theory, then with the context in the conversation conversation, the assumption of the conversation interaction, the description of him in this is the same as the description of chapter 4. So this is up to your theory. We have many theories. Theoretical discourse analysis theory I remember now. There are many more theories, other engineering theory, other sciences, other economics, other designs, so different, after the end of the discussion we have a conclusion, if you look here before the conclusion there is to summarize the results of the discussion. We have a conclusion, formulate in 1 paragraph, just like in chapter 4 of our thesis, we formulate we have to support. Support the above study. Near the spotlight. We have what is in the thesis the meaning that is in the thesis. In the article. On top of that we, who are in this. So support. Support that then support yourself, the same way he writes. How to write want to make a conclusion in chapter 4. Then finally the conclusion. In this conclusion, in this I will explain what should be in the conclusion. In this conclusion explains the benefits, explains the benefits derived from the results of the study. That means you explain the benefits to whom. The result we get this, want to benefit who. Explain each one. In one paragraph. Okay, then the last sentence. The conclusion was just the same as the benefits you had earlier. Benefit to whom in conclusion. In this there is no need for reference. Do not have a reference in the conclusion because we already have a supporting reference, this conclusion is only useful so there is no need to place a reference. Then the final sentence in the conclusion, we put "Hopefully the next study" remember the sentence I said earlier. That verse is in the abstract. Do not copy paste, slightly change the sentence. It is in the abstract. That is "It is hoped that future studies will focus on the lyrics of folklore songs", for example. So there is a connection. This is our kind of future proposal. This is what we enter in the last sentence. So in this, it really depends on the journal or chapter in the book. The number of cities is usually 5500. Some people say, a very strict journal of the rules he said, okay one article he can accept 3000. So do not over, if more he usually told to pay. Depends on the journal. There is a journal he says needs 10000. Follow his broken words. There is a journal he has this sub-topic is different. Let's go. Depends on the journal. This is normal. There are journals that say this. So writing articles for articles for journals and articles for chapters in books is also actually the same. This writing is usually something we have to have. If writing for literary students is the same. There must be an introduction, there must be an objective sentence, the results of the discussion are the same, how to analyze, see you use the schedule, do not want to use the schedule, you want to support like I said you want to support near the formula. You want to back up the data. Description time is also possible. No problem. This is usually the writing of journal articles for all fields. Maybe the rest is up to the instructions. Given by the journal. So importantly, one must have a discourse marker.Every thesis page must be there, an article must be there. Later when you finish your thesis, you memorize the discourse markers. Hundreds of discourse speakers. In this book a little, there may be many more that you have to memorize. Discourse markers must be important. Then you need to check many times. Check in terms of spelling, grammar, everything. Everything has to be checked. Then check the reference as well. Okay the reference in the article is in the reference. And also, this must be there. Remember to read the instructions many times. And also important as I said earlier, the title of the article does not attract people who do not want to read. Keywords are important because here if we type in Google the article will come out. Make sure all the interests are in your article. If you look here, it is similar in this to the 70% latest reference. The sum of all the articles, all the references, this is the sum of the last 5 years multiplied by 100 equals must be 70%. Most articles, make sure the year you submit the article is for example 2020, the article that 2020 must have at least 3. The current year must be 3. Do not say for example you submit the article 2020, 2020 has no articles. Must not have to exist. So the amount is 70%. in 70% of this there are a minimum of 3 articles that year. Year of delivery, current year. If 2020, 2020. To mention this article is not difficult. The study of the thesis changed the sentence he made into an article. We are as researchers collecting data. Sometimes the data is too much. We have to collect more data. Sometimes students ask me, "Professor I have already collect may data, I interviewed students, it just so happened that his friend was there, so I interviewed, so I have extra data." Well I say, because maybe this data is not enough to use more data. Need permission to request data collection. Ministry if you want to go to school. Everyone needs permission, unless you want to take data from the people at home also need permission. Want my older brother not to reprimand 5 years if he takes a video of his son included in the thesis. Can't get public money. So you need written permission. If the truth is that the video is also available. If you get sued, at least you have. "This is actually the truth I got." "Or he asked where the truth is, you were summoned RM250000 because without permission you interviewed my employee from the company." "I have permission from this, it just so happens that the general manager said he can use video for permission." This article is all true. Put the name of the sample for example, do not put the real name. Later on all the boys whose name is for example Muhammad Yusoh there are about 450 came to demand a suit why use my name in this.
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