1 seterunya kita pergi 1.8 iaitu definisi operasional. Okey agak sukar ya
kadang-kadang pelajar ni dia agak keliru, operasional bermakna tentang definisi
yang tentang kajian kita jalankan bukan definisi konsep. Bukanlah definisi
macam contoh ada pelajar pergi buat apa makna tekstual. Satu animasi, satu
cerita, satu rakyat, satu Melayu, itu salah ya. Kita bukan nak definisi itu.
Kalau definisi tiap-tiap satu inilah pelajar akan rujuk kamus dewan je. Dia
rujuk semua jenis kamus. Tak mahu. Jangan. Jadi operasional iaitu tentang
kajian kita. Jadi biasanya definisi operasional ini minima dua ataupun maksima
paling maksima pun tiga. Tentang bagaimana kita nak jalankan kajian ni supaya
bila pembaca, baca baru faham. Owh ini maksudnya. Jadi kalau kita tunjuk tajuk
ini kitab oleh ambil satu wacana tekstual. Okey lagi satu skrip, animasi,
cerita rakyat Melayu. Boleh kalau kita nak ambil bezakan skrip animasi. Jadi
satu skrip animasi yang takde kaitan pulak skrip animasi apa. Jadi kitab boleh
teruskan untuk tajuk ini mungkin ada dua. Tajuk yang lain mungkin ada tiga.
Kalau kita ambil tajuk daripada kejuruteraan. Contohnya, mungkin operasional
ada banyak. Sebab kita dia ada banyak dia punya pembolehubah dekat dalam tu. Kalau
daripada apa nama yang kalau buat tesis science pun begitu. Ada banyak
pembolehubah yang membolehkan kita membuat definisi operasional. Supaya
pemeriksa faham apa kaitan tu dalam dengan dalam tesis tersebut. Kalau dari
segi, kalau kita tengok tesis dan bentuk ekonomi pun begitu. Kita ada banyak
dia punya pembolehubah. Jadi akan mungkin lebih daripada tiga. Jadi untuk yang
ini kita fokus kepada dua. Ni saya bagi contoh ya. Jadi awak boleh berat dalam
macam ni. Kemudia letak contohnya wacana dan tekstual. Tapi wacana tekstual ni
awak nak kaji nak buat definisi operasional ni mesti berkaitan dengan kajian.
Ya mesti berkaitan dengan kajian dan pastikan bahawa bukanlah yang bermakna
yang kena ambil rujukan daripada perlu ada rujukan. Ini perlu ada rujukan. Ada
satu cara, satu maknanya awak buat wacana tekstual. Orang kata apa berkaitan
dengan kajian awak. Wacana tekstual yang berfokus kepada skrip animasi. Wacana
ini yang berfokus kepada skrip animasi. Wacana ini wacana tekstual ini akan di
analisis dengan menggunakan tiga elemen. Ni contoh lah ya. Contoh tiga elemen
iaitu kandungan konteks dan andaian. Jadi wacana tekstual menurut buku
Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019), wacana tekstual boleh jadi rujukan. Dia juga 1.8.2
iaitu skrip animasi cerita rakyat ni. Jadi ini kenalah berkaitan dengan kajian
awak. Apa dia huraikan serba ringkas. Skrip animasi, cerita rakyat ini terdiri
daripada 20 cerita sebab dalam awak punya tesis, awak punya analisis 20 cerita.
Jadi ni cerita tersebut skrip berbentuk apa dia. Jadi huraian mungkin yang ini
skrip animasi, cerita rakyat ni awak huraikan ialah kita nak berkaitan tentang
kajian kita. Jadi takde rujukan awak nak letak takpe boleh diterima sebab
definisi yang ini memang berkaitan dengan kajian awak. Jadi ada dua cara. Satu
cara mempunyai rujukan. Ini ada rujukan jadi yang kedua tiada rujukan maknanya
awak buat huraian. Huraian tentang wacana tekstual tu dari segi konteks awak
punya tesis. Jadi takde rujukan. Dia boleh diterima tetapi macam saya katakan
sebelum ini. Rujuk penyelia. Kalau rujuk pengenalan, penyelia ada macam saya
katakana sebelum ini. Ini kita berbeza pendapat. Berbeza sekolah jadi
difference school of tough. Jadi pemikiran kita berbeza. Jadi pemikiran
penyelia kalau ada satu juta penyelia kita ada satu juta pemikiran yang
berbeza. Jadi terpulang kepada penyelia. Jadi kalau saya tiba-tiba hari ini
saya kata okey memang tak perlu sebab bagi saya definisi operasional ni tentang
kajian bagaimana awak nak jalankan kajian. Nama pun operasional. Jalankan
kajian bahan kita nak definisi konsep bukannya kita apa jadi kalau ada rujukan
pastikan kalau nak buat rujukan tak boleh ya. Ini tak boleh rujuk kamus. Dah
kenapa nak rujuk kamus. Tak payah. Kena rujuk daripada kajian-kajian. Banyaknya
rujuk kamus yang kata menurut Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, wacana tekstual iyalah
bla bla bla. Tak boleh. Tak boleh itu pun kita pun tahu. Jangalah rujuk kamus.
Dah kenapa kan. Jadi kita rujuk rujukan. Rujukan kajian-kajian daripada orang
lain ya. Saya kata satu boleh rujuk kedua tiada rujukan boleh dan terpulang
kepada penyelia masing-masing. Jadi kalau diterima itu iyalah akurlah. Ikut
cakap dia. Jadi sekarang ini kalau kita lihat setelah ambil definisi
operasional. Kita ada teruskan iaitu kat belakang ini ada ya subtopik 1.9 iaitu
organisasi kajian. Okey organisasi
kajian ini sebenarnya terpulang kepada individu. Kepada pelajar dan juga penyelia. Yang ini biasanya saya
akan suruh untuk pelajar PHD. Pelajar PHD saya akan suruh letakkanlah
organisasi kajian. Kadang-kadang pelajar Master pun boleh kalau tak letak pun
takpe. Ini boleh pilih. Jika perlu organisasi kajian ini awak buat dalam bentuk
perenggan. Jadi perenggan pertama apa ada dalam bab 1. Kemudian perenggan seterusnya
perenggan 1 apa ada dalam bab 1. Perenggan 2 apa dalam bab 2 perenggan 3 ni
kita nak organisasi. Kita nak buat secara ringkas supaya bila penyelia baca dia
rasa owh bab 1 ada bend ani rupanya. Bab 2 ada bend ani rupanya. Bab 3 ada ni,
jadi organisasi penyusunan. Penyusunan tesis kita secara teratur. Jadi
perenggan dalam ringkas sahaja. Ringkas sahaja kerana macam saya nyatakan kat
sebelum ini setiap baba da pengenalan. Pengenalan tu kita dah katakana dah apa
ada dalam bab tesebut. Tetapi dalam organisasi kajian ini kita kena nyatakanlah
secara ringkas apa ada dalam tiap-tiap perenggan. Jadi untuk pelajar PHD memang
saya wajibkan supaya dia sendiri boleh faham apa ada dalam tiap-tiap bab. Kalau
pelajar Master bolehlah kalau dia nak barat. Tak barat pun takpe. Pelajar
bachelor pun takpe. Diploma pun takde masalah kalau ada yang nak buat. Pokoknya
terpulang kepada penyelia. Dan akhir sekali 1.10 baru masuk kesimpulan. Semua
dah saya macam saya katakana tadi semua dah mesti ada kesimpulan. Takde
kesimpulan manalah boleh. Kita nak simpulkan apa ada dalam bab tersebut. Jadi
ada yang saya dapati tesis takde kesimpulan tentang macam ni. Bila tergantung habis
je terlupa yang ini. Jadikan, kita tengok dah masuk bab 2. Jadi takde kaitan
langsung dengan bab 2. Tak boleh. Kita kena ada kesimpulan, kesimpulan ini kita
simpulkan apa ada dalam bab 1 dan juga ingat ayat akhir. Ayat akhir kita kena
letak kaitakan dengan bab seterusnya. Bab seterusnya iaitu bab 2 akan
membincangkan sorotan kajian bla bla bla. Jadi bolehlah kita dapati bahawa ada
kesinambungan antara bab 1 dan bab 2. Jadi serupa juga macam saya terangkan
dalam bab 2 lain. Dalam bab kesimpulan mestilah ayat akhir mesti ad akita
nyatakan apa ada dalam bab seterusnya. Jadi penting ada kesimpulan. Tapi tulah
macam saya katakana tadi, different crost
tough. Jadi bila berbeza takpelah kita redha dan kita terima. Okey dah
bab 1. Ini kita dah bersemangat dah bab 1 kita ni maknanya kita dah habis bab
1. Lupa nak cakap berapa halaman bab 1 ya prof? Okey bab 1 ini kita biasanya
halaman ya, halaman bab 1 ni kita sebab kita dah masuk dia punya orang kata apa
latar belakanglah, persoalan, kita punya masalah kajian semua tu lebih kurang
lapan hingga 10 sahaja. Inikan yang saya katakan ada pelajar letak sampai 30
halaman dia akan jadi macam seolah-olah buat sorotan kajian. Itu dah salah
sebab masalah kajian kita ambil betul-betul penting masukkan dekat dalam tu.
Sedangkan kita tahu bahawa dalam bab 2 memang banyak ada jurang dekat situ.
Jadi itu pun semua adalah masalah tetapi kita ambil yang penting sahaja. Jadi
bila dia letak masalah kajian itu ada 30 bermakna dah memang jadi sebanyak 15
halaman dijadikan 30. Dah salah dah. Sebabnya yang penting sekarang ini dia
akan jadi samalah dengan bab 2. Dia jadi masalah kajian itu perenggan lebih.
Bersemangat sangat dia tulis permasalahan kajian dia jadi 15 halaman. Ya itu
memanglah sikit dah jadi macam sorotan kajian. Dah jadi salah. Jadi saya
katakana tadi permasalahan kajian itu kita fokuskan ikut objektif. Objektif ada
dua. Dua perenggan masalah kajian, objektif ada tiga, tiga perenggan ia dapat
padat dekat dalam tu. Walaupun ringkas tetapi padat. Jadi dikaitkan dengan
objektif tapi yang selebihnya sorotan ataupun jurang penyelidikan yang lain
mempunyai masalah ada dalam bab 2. Jadi pelajar boleh rujuk disitu. Jadi ni
kita buang kita letak lebih kurang macam ni. Paling lebih 12 muka surat. Tapi
jangan kurang daripada lapan. Dah jadi macam kurang halaman. Jadi lebih sikit
boleh. Kalau nak sampai 15 pun boleh. Boleh diterima. Sebab mungkin dia
bersemangat nak tulis latar belakang., Tak ada masalah. Tetapi janganlah lebih.
Lebih sampai 15. 15 tu orang kata dah tak bolehlah kita takut dia jadi seperti
macam saya katakana tadi seperti sebulat bab 2. Jangan. Jadi bila bab 2 tu
mulalah pemeriksa akab clash ini tak boleh. Ini tak boleh. Clash dia
potong-potong. Saya kalau misalnya panjang sangat saya lipat halaman terus saya
Tulis kat sini sepatutnya masuk bab 2. Sebab masa viva senang saya ingat yang
saya lipat tu adalah setebal-tebalnya yang ada kertas pun ada masalah kajian.
Sebab dia berleter je lebih dekat dalam tu entah pape menurut pendapat sayalah.
Bukan saya maksudkannya pendapat dia. Dia kata ianya seperti bahawa pelajar ini
memang tidak suka belajar. Masa tu baca kertas awak tu siapa yang awak kata
awak dapati dia boleh tengok sekali. Itu dia kata pelajar tak suka mengira
contohnya. Dia dapati sekali itu pun dia tengok anak buah dia masa raya. Masa
raya yang dia jumpa dua minit. Lepastu dia kata anak buah dia pergi main dekat
belakang. Itu dia dapati budak tak nak mengira 1 sampai 20. Dia tidak tahu
bahawa hari raya siapa pulak nak mengira 1 sampai 20. Kena pulak buat ujian, ujian
depan bapak saudara. Nak kena baca sifir pulak kat depan tu. Kalau di abaca
sifir dapat duit raya banyak tidak apa la juga. Okey jadi kita ingat ya dalam
bab 1.
1 next we go 1.8 which is the operational definition. Okay, it's a bit
difficult, sometimes student is a bit confused, operational means about the
definition of the study we are conducting is not a definition of a concept. It
is not a definition of an example where students go for what textual meaning.
The animation, the story, the people, the Malays, it is yes. We do not want
that definition. If the definition of each of these is the student will refer
to the board dictionary. He referred to all types of dictionaries. I don’t want
like that. Don't. So operational that is about our study. So, usually this
operational definition is a minimum of two or a maximum of at least three.
About how we want to conduct this study so that when the reader understands. This
is what it means. So, if we show the title of this book by taking a textual
discourse. Okay again the script, animation, Malay folklore. Yes, if we want to
differentiate between animated scripts. So, an animated script that has nothing
to do with any animated script. So, the book can go on for this title there may
be two. Other titles may have three. If we take a title from engineering. For
example, there may be many operations. Because we have a lot, he has variables
close in there. If from what name if you do a science thesis. There are many
variables that allow us to make operational definitions. So that the examiner
understands what the connection has to do with the thesis. In terms of, if we
look at the thesis and the economic form as well. We have a lot he has
variables. So, there will probably be more than three. For this one we focus on
two. Let me give you an example. You can writes like this. Then place for
example discourse and textual. But this textual discourse you want to study to
make this operational definition must be related to the study. Yes, it must be
related to the study and make sure that it does not mean that there should be a
reference than there should be a reference. This needs to be a reference. There
is one way, one means you make a textual discourse. People say what is relevant
to your study. Textual discourse focused on animated scripts. This discourse
focuses on animated scripts. This discourse this textual discourse will be
analyzed using three elements. Here is an example. Examples of three elements
are contextual content and assumptions. So textual discourse according to the
book Normaliza Abd Rahim (2019), textual discourse can be a reference. He is
also 1.8.2 which is the animated script of this folklore. So, this has to do
with your research. What he described briefly. Animated script, this folk tale
consists of 20 stories because in you have a thesis, you have an analysis of 20
stories. This is the story of what the script is like. So, the possible
explanation that this is an animated script, this folk tale you describe is
that we want to be relevant about our study. So, no reference you want to place
cannot be accepted because this definition is indeed related to your study. So,
there are two ways. One way is to having a reference. This has a reference so
the second one has no reference meaning you make a description. The description
of the textual discourse in terms of the context you have a thesis. So, no
reference. He is acceptable but as I said before. Consult a supervisor. If you
refer to the introduction, the supervisor is like I said before. This we
disagree. Different schools become different schools of tough. So, our thinking
is different. So, the thoughts of the supervisor if there are one million of
our supervisor we have a million different thoughts. So, it is up to the
supervisor. So, if I suddenly today say okey there is no need for me to give
this operational definition of the study of how you want to conduct the study.
The name is operational. Do a study of the material we want to define the
concept instead of us what so if there is a reference make sure if you want to
make a reference cannot. This does not refer to the dictionary. Why do you want
to refer to the dictionary. No need. Must refer to studies. Many refer to
dictionaries that say according to the Fourth Edition Board Dictionary, textual
discourse is blah blah blah. Cannot. We can't even know that. Do not refer to
the dictionary. Why? So, we refer to the reference. Reference studies from
others yes. I said one can refer the second no referral can and it is up to the
respective supervisor. So, if it is accepted, then agree. Follow him. So now if
we look after taking the operational definition. We have to continue that
behind this there is yes subtopic 1.9 which is the study organization. Okay the
organization of this study is actually up to the individual. To students as
well as supervisors. This one I usually recommend for PHD students. My PHD
student will tell you to set up a study organization. Sometimes Master students
can even if they don't put it. This is optional. If necessary the organization
of this study you do in the form of paragraphs. So, what is the first paragraph
in chapter 1. Then the next paragraph is paragraph 1 what is in chapter 1.
Paragraph 2 what in chapter 2 paragraph 3 we want to organize. We want to make
it brief so that when the supervisor reads its he feels chapter 1 there is a
bend any apparently. Chapter 2 there is a bend apparently. Chapter 3 is here,
so organization organization. Regular preparation of our thesis. So, paragraph
in brief only. It's simple because like I said before, every baba is an
introduction. That introduction we have already said what is in that chapter.
But in the organization of this study we have to state briefly what is in each
paragraph. So, for PHD students, I am obligated so that he himself can
understand what is in each chapter. If he is a Master student, he can if he
wants to go west. Not even west. Bachelor students are not allowed. Diplomas
are not a problem if anyone wants to do it. The point is up to the supervisor. And
finally, 1.10 just came to the conclusion. Everything I did like I said
earlier, everything must have a conclusion. There is no conclusion where it can
be. We want to conclude what is in the chapter. So, I found that the thesis did
not draw conclusions about this kind. When it hangs, I forget this one. So, we
see that it has entered chapter 2. So, it has nothing to do with chapter 2. It
cannot. We have to have a conclusion, this conclusion we summarize what is in
chapter 1 and also remember the last sentence. Our final sentence has to do
with the next chapter. The next chapter which is chapter 2 will discuss the
highlights of the study blah blah blah. So, we can find that there is a
continuation between chapter 1 and chapter 2. So, it is similar as I explained
in others chapter 2. In the conclusion chapter must be the final sentence must
ad akita state what is in the next chapter. So, it is important to have a
conclusion. But the plague like I said earlier, different crost tough. So, when
it is different, we must not be satisfied and we accept. Okay, chapter 1. Now
we are excited about chapter 1, this means we have finished chapter 1. I forgot
to say how many pages of chapter 1, prof? Okay this chapter 1 we usually pages,
this page chapter 1 we because we have entered he has people say what the
background is, questions, we have a study problem all about eight to 10 only.
Here I say there are students who put up to 30 pages he will be as if to make a
study highlight. That is wrong because the problem of our study is really
important to put close in there. While we know that in chapter 2 there are many
gaps near there. So even that is all a problem but we take only the important
ones. So, when he puts the problem of the study there are 30 means that it has
become 15 pages into 30. It is wrong. The important reason now is that he will
be the same as chapter 2. He is the problem of the study paragraph more. Very
enthusiastic he wrote the problems of his study so 15 pages. Yes, of course it
has become a bit of a study highlight. It went wrong. So, I said earlier that
the problem of the study we focused on following the objectives. There are two
objectives. Two paragraphs of the study problem, the objective is three, three
paragraphs it can be dense close in there. Although simple but compact. So, it
is related to the objective but the rest of the highlights or other research
gaps have problems in chapter 2. So, students can refer there. So here we throw
our place more or less like this. At most 12 pages. But not less than eight. It
has become like less pages. So, a little more can. If you want to reach 15, you
can. Acceptable. Because maybe he is eager to write the background., No
problem. But do not overdo it. More until 15. 15 people say we cannot be afraid
of him so like I said earlier as a whole chapter 2. Do not. So, when chapter 2
starts, the examiner will not be able to clash. This is not possible. Clash him
in pieces. For example, if I am very long, I will fold the page and I will
write it here. It should go into chapter 2. Because the viva time I was happy
to remember that I folded it is as thick as paper and there is a study problem.
I do not mean his opinion. He said it was like that this student did not like
to study. At that time, read your paper, who did you say you found he could see
once. That he said students do not like to count for example. He found that
once he looked at his men during the feast. The time he spent was two minutes.
Then he said his men went to play near the back. That he found the boy did not
want to count 1 to 20. He did not know that on Eid who would want to count 1 to
20. He had to go for a test, the next test of your uncle. I want to read the
cipher at the front. If you can read a lot of Raya money, it doesn't matter.
Okay so we remember yes in chapter 1.
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